It’s time to clean your closet! But, I’m not talking about vacuuming the rug and wiping off shelves, I’m talking about cleansing your wardrobe! AKA: the closet edit.

Can you say yes to any of these statements?
You couldn’t find something in your closet in the last month.
You know you have too many clothes but don’t even know where to begin with sorting through it all.
You know you’ll feel better after cleaning out your closet but you just can’t get yourself motivated.
You’re overwhelmed by the idea of going through it all by yourself.
You have certain pieces that you don’t feel right in but you aren’t sure why.
Are you hanging on to a wardrobe item for any of these reasons?
It’s an expensive or high-quality item so you feel guilty about getting rid of it.
You’re keeping it for your “future” self.
It has sentimental value.
It was a gift and you feel bad about tossing it.
You want to keep it “just in case” you ever need it.
Is your closet bulging at the seams? Overflowing into other closets into the house?
If your closet is so packed and unorganized that you can’t see what you have, chances are you’re not getting the most out of your wardrobe--you forget about pieces shoved into the abyss or buried in a drawer.
10% of women say they feel depressed every time they open their closet doors.
Stop the craziness! Your closet is supposed to be--and will be--your happy place! I promise you’ll feel fabulous after you finish your closet cleanse.
In fact, an IKEA survey actually found that 31% of its customers were more satisfied after clearing out their closets than they were after sex. I mean, really? There’s all the proof you need!

“I feel uplifted already. This is going to be good for my mental health! An unexpected benefit [of the closet edit]. Maybe insurance should cover your services! ;-)”
What you will discover: A closet edit actually makes you feel like you have MORE clothes. Why? Because you can see what you have! You’ll feel lighter, clearer, happy and like you have more to wear.
“[The closet cleanse] is one of my favorite parts of what Laura does. She's created a process of identifying whether the piece is to be kept, altered, donated, consigned, or tossed. I couldn't believe how many cool pieces I already owned that could be paired with other items in new ways. I also learned that I had a few things that were really outdated or didn't fit my body type at all.”
— Sandy, MSL client
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