7 reasons we don’t get rid of clothes we aren’t wearing

How to finally break up with all those unworn clothes

I’ll navigate you through the seven common reasons why we clutch onto clothes that rarely see the light of day. From sentimental attachments to the "someday" scenarios, discover the art of breaking free and fostering a more intentional and liberated wardrobe.

1) I spent good money on it

You bought something in a boutique while on vacation but you get it home and realize it doesn’t work with anything in your closet. 

We all have them: pieces hanging in our closet with the tags on and things we’ve barely worn. We convince ourselves we still like them but haven’t figured out how to wear them. 

Ladies, the money is already spent. You’re not going to get it back by keeping the piece. If it’s high quality and less than 3 years old, consider taking it to a consignment shop. Or donate it to a good cause like Dress for Success. It’s just going to make you feel worse seeing it hanging in your closet.

2) It’s something I “should” have in my closet

Friends, I’m all about the capsule wardrobe and having good foundational pieces. But even if it’s a timeless item and you don’t wear it, it doesn’t belong in your wardrobe. Donate or sell it.

3) Keeping clothes too small will motivate me to lose weight

It’s actually doing the reverse ladies. They’re actually making you feel bad about yourself when you look at them every day. There’s nothing wrong with your body; you are not your weight. Having pieces that fit you well is going to make you feel good in the body you have right now.

If you are beginning the process of losing weight (or plan to) and you have pieces you’d like to wear after you reach your goal, remove them and put them in a bin or another closet. Revisit them every few weeks as you lose the weight, bringing back things you can now use.

4) I don’t know how to style it

Do you have an item you aren’t sure how to wear or you don’t have anything to wear with it? Get some inspiration: Google “how to wear X” and see how stylists and influencers are wearing that item. It’s really fun to then go shop your closet to put the outfit together. You’ll feel like you have new clothes.

If you’re really unsure or don’t feel like you’re good at putting outfits together, book some time with a stylist. She’ll help you decide pieces that are worth keeping and how to wear them with what’s already in your closet. 

5) It was a gift 

Do you feel guilty about getting rid of that blouse your aunt gave you for your birthday? I hear you. But remember, gift giving isn’t all about the item itself...it’s about the reason behind it: they care for you. The person who gave it to you didn’t expect that you’d keep it forever. Pay it forward--give it to someone you think will love it. 

6) It has sentimental value

Are you holding on to that ripped sweatshirt with your college logo on it because it reminds you of great times...but you never wear it? Ladies, if we did this with everything in our lives, our homes would qualify for being on an episode of “Hoarders.” 

There are many ways we can use sentimental clothes in another way, like cutting out the logo on that sweatshirt and framing it. Or using the fabric to make pillow covers. Get creative!

7) I don’t have too many clothes—my closet is too small

I hate to tell you: if your closet is stuffed and overflowing, you have too many clothes. If you really feel like your closet space is inadequate and you want/need to keep your clothes, look for alternative storage ideas. Use a dead space in your bedroom, get an additional storage piece, or convert a small bedroom into a closet. 

Believe me, I’m someone who has always had space challenges where I’ve lived. I offer some awesome storage hacks in this article. 


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