Why investing in your wardrobe is not self-indulgent

It’s about much more than clothes. Learn the power of strategic wardrobe investments.

For years when I was a single mom, my clothes were the last thing I budgeted for. Everything else came first, especially when related to my son. Whatever was left over, I used at TJ Maxx or Target. I always felt guilty when I spent on myself.

While I always managed to look pulled together, I wish I could go back and tell my younger self to invest in myself.


We’ve all seen the pie chart about communication.

Yet, over the years, experts have talked mostly about these aspects of nonverbal communication:

  • Posture

  • Body movement

  • Gestures

  • Eye contact

  • Proxemics (space)

  • Environment

But appearance is a HUGE part of that “what they see” pie piece, including:

  • Clothes

  • Shoes

  • Grooming (cleanliness, tattoos, etc.)

  • Hair

  • Makeup

They all play a role in communicating your image to others. Like it or not. Fair or unfair: People quickly make assumptions about you based on your physical appearance. You tell a story about yourself through how you present yourself, including the outfits you wear.

Don’t you want to control the image you portray and not leave it up to chance?

There are numerous practical reasons to buy better quality clothes, (they last longer so you get more use out of them, you’re less likely to impulse buy and you won’t spend more money in the long run). That’s not what I’m talking about today.

I’m talking about the emotional reasons having a strong wardrobe is good for you:

You’ll show up more confidently

You’ll feel better stronger and more in control

Wearing good clothes helps you actually perform better

You’ll make a killer first impression

Listen to me talk to Caryn Sullivan of the Happiness Through Hardship Podcast all about the impact of you wardrobe on your joy and confidence. (Dec. 1, 2021)

Now, I’m not suggesting you should buy more than you can afford, or over-spend on every one of the latest trends. I’m talking about investing in quality core pieces that make you feel great and work hard for you. When you have a strategically planned wardrobe, it takes a lot of the guesswork out of getting dressed, saving you time and lifting you up to face the world at your best…every day.

So it turns out this old sayings still stand true:

  • You never have a second chance to make a first impression.

  • Dress for the job (or business) you want, not the one you have.


I’ve geared all my services towards you—the busy professional woman. And it’s much more than personal shopping.

Personal styling is a high-touch, high-reward process. It’s an investment in YOU. Think about it like you would any other coach or personal care professional: Your life coach. Business mentor. Personal trainer. Hair stylist.

As your personal stylist, I will:

  • Teach you what looks good on you and why

  • Guide you in discovering your unique sense of style

  • Optimize what you already have and get rid of what doesn’t serve you

  • Show you how to put together strong outfits

  • Shop for you!

I can also:

  • Help you elevate your image as you are advancing in your career

  • Plan outfits for a business trip, vacation or major event

  • Put together killer looks for speeches and presentations

  • Style you for professional “head shots”

  • Help you look your best on Zoom meetings

Take a look at my services, then let’s chat! Book a free consultation below.


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