Closet Cleanse Challenge




Clutter literally stresses me out. And I find that when my closet is too packed, I actually forget about pieces shoved into the dark corners of my closet.⁠⠀


Remove 5 Fall-Winter items from your closet that you haven’t worn in the last couple seasons (excluding more formal pieces). Can you find some to consign?⁠⠀

If you find something hard to part with even though you know it should go, either: ⁠⠀

  1. Remind yourself that another worthy person will get so much enjoyment out of it rather than it just hanging in your closet, or ⁠⠀

  2. Store it in a bin away from your closet. Set a reminder for a couple weeks. When that day comes, ask yourself: Did I miss this piece in my closet?⁠⠀

My edits include three shirts, a dress and a skirt that I've had for more than 25 years. (No, that's not a typo!) What are yours?⁠




So, for most of us, that means we can only wear a little more than 40% of our clothes. What?!?! It makes me sad to come across items I can’t wear because my body isn’t in its pre-pandemic shape. But there’s a simple solution. Get them out of sight!⁠⠀


Remove items you are certain don’t fit right now. Friend, you don’t have to get rid of them, but put them in a bin labeled “don’t fit temporarily” and store it somewhere out of the way but handy. ⁠⠀

You can revisit when life--and your body--are getting back to normal! ⁠




One of my biggest culprits: Shoes! I’ve always lived in smaller spaces, so organizing footwear is a challenge. Shoes ended up in big IKEA bins and I'd have to go diving to find the right pair every day. And things get lost in those bins! (Anyone relate?)⁠⠀


Get rid of shoes that are out of style, you don’t wear anymore, or are worn out.⁠⠀

Organize them in a way that you can see them all. My solution? Space-saving shoe slot organizers. They literally double your storage space.⁠ (Available at @amazon.)⁠⠀

Have a few pairs that you’ve been wanting to repair but have been sitting there since before the pandemic? Get those puppies into your car so you can take them to the cobbler next time you are running errands. 😄




My culprit? Bras and tights! How about you?⁠


When’s the last time you went through all your intimates? ⁠⠀

  • Sort out bras, getting rid of ones that are worn out or don't fit correctly. ⁠⠀

  • Gather all those random extra straps too, keeping only what matches and that you need.⁠⠀

  • Chuck underwear that have seen a better day.⁠⠀

  • Go through the bag of mismatched socks and throw any that you can’t find matches for.⁠⠀

  • Finally, weed out tights and hose, getting rid of any with runs or that are stretched out. ⁠




What would you do with a half an hour more? An extra short workout? Some meditation time? Linger over your morning coffee a little longer?⁠⠀

One of my biggest time suck culprits was going fishing through jewelry and scarves. I swear it took longer to find my shoes, jewelry and scarf than it did to completely get dressed.⁠⠀


Clean up and organize your accessories. ⁠⠀

  • Jewelry: Weed out what you no longer wear and set aside anything that is broken but you’d love to wear again. Soon, I’ll be doing a tutorial on fixing jewelry. Of those you don't wear, gift them to some people in your life may love to wear them. It'll make their day.⁠⠀

  • Belts: If you're like me, you'll need to get rid of belts that were meant for low-rise jeans especially. Toss the ones that are worn out frayed, faded, etc. too, please! ⁠⠀

  • Scarves: Is one so old that if you wore it, people could tell that you got it 20 years ago? Get real about which ones you use, then hang those in a scarf holder. Don't shove them in a box or drawer where you won't see them!


Let’s Talk Athleisure


WFH Staple: Joggers