How To Shop With Intention

New Insta look(1).png

I don’t have enough time to shop around so this will be good enough.

Ugh, it looked great on the website but not on me. (You put it aside and never return it.)

I don’t have anything to wear with this. Oh well, I’ll figure it out because I like it!

Where did that shirt go that I bought when shopping with girlfriends 6 months ago?

I just donated 5 things I’ve never worn. What a waste of money.

Have you said any of these things to yourself? Be honest! I have. And they’re all signs that you may have purchased something on impulse. Hey, I have some impulse buys that I absolutely adore, but in the broader spectrum, it really doesn’t pay off. 

What would you do with all the money you spent on items you haven’t really worn but a few times, if ever? I challenge you to go through your closet and pick out as many of those items as you can. Then calculate approximately how much you spent on each item and add it up.

Are you horrified. (Or know you would be horrified?) How do you avoid these costly mistakes?

The dos and don’ts of shopping intentionally


  • WAIT TO BUY FOR 24 HOURS. This is a great approach to take if you stumble into something you like while running errands or doing something else online, but you aren’t actually shopping for clothes. If you’re still thinking about the item a day later. Go for it! If not, it won’t be a mistake hanging in your closet.

  • MAKE A LIST, SET A BUDGET, AND STICK TO IT. I know, it’s the most boring advice ever, but sometimes we just have to remind ourselves.


  • BUY WHEN YOU ARE EMOTIONAL. I got rid of a garbage bag full of clothes a few months ago, much of which were impulse buys because I was sad, mad, or in some other life dilemma!

  • SHOP WHEN YOU ARE IN A HURRY. You have an event or dinner date in a few hours and you feel like you don't have the right thing to wear so you head out to buy something new. Come on. We’ve all done it. Don’t do it again!

5 questions to ask yourself when deciding whether or not to buy a clothing item

  1. DO I REALLY LOVE IT? If it’s just "like not love," walk away

  2. DO I HAVE ROOM FOR IT? Closet already jammed full? Am I willing to get rid of something to make room for this purchase?

  3. DOES IT WORK WITH MANY THINGS IN MY CLOSET, especially my capsule wardrobe pieces?

  4. DO I ALREADY OWN SOMETHING SIMILAR? We tend to be drawn to the same types of things. I often see clients with slightly different versions of the same sweater in 5 colors. Not necessary!

  5. AM I BUYING IT JUST BECAUSE IT'S ON SALE OR INEXPENSIVE? Would you buy it if it cost twice as much? Nope? Then put it down.

Understand your personal style to make shopping with intention so much easier

This includes knowing:

  • Your body shape and measurements

  • Your style personality

  • Your color profile

Armed with this knowledge, you’ll analyze a potential wardrobe item with more purpose and will only buy what you KNOW is right for you.


WFH Staple: Joggers


How to Be Your Best on Zoom: Part 1 — Setting the Stage